Young people and future generations are the stewards of the future. Globally, youths are advocating for climate issues at local, national, and international levels. Youth are working to address their concerns and provide solutions to real-world problems regarding climate change. As youth are the largest demography and highest potential to bring changes, Youth voices and actions are considered very important climate change advocacy arena.
ICCCAD recognizes the contribution of youth in climate action and feels the importance of youth engagement in reframing climate ambitions. Thus, the organization has designed a fellowship program where youth can involve in the sector of climate change development and identifying challenges through solution development by providing viable solutions for this vast sector. This program will enhance the resilience and adaptive capacity of the youth in local communities and raise these issues at national & international levels. The program can also help young men and women to come forward from their position and participate in the knowledge and awareness-building process by involving them in effective learning and capacity-building processes.
- Candidate must be between the age of 18 to 30 years
- University student/young professional
- Must be a citizen of Bangladesh
- Willing to travel national and international
- Have basic knowledge of climate change
- Experience with climate change issues or having a strong motivation to work with climate action
- Possess good analytical skill
- Having demonstration of leadership practice
- Willing to learn and exchange ideas
- Participants will undergo a 6-month of Training of Trainers (ToT) both online and residential on climate change and development issues
- Participants will receive small funding opportunities to implement youth solutions/innovative ideas on climate change adaptation
- Participants will get the opportunity to negotiate local climate change problems with policymakers and decision-makers
- Participants will get the opportunity to attend national and international programs on climate change
- Participants will get the opportunity to be a trainer in future youth fellowship programs
Tenure of Fellowship:
Generally, the training will be for 6 months, depending on the training modality, youth fellows are encouraged to connect with ICCCAD youth fellow alumni, and also the youth fellow will get the opportunity to join any other youth program of ICCCAD.
Participants who successfully completed the fellowship program will get a certificate.
Terms and Conditions:
General Condition: The fellowship award of ICCCAD is for a fixed tenure of 6 months and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment at ICCCAD.
Cancellation of fellowship award: Every youth fellowship program participant has to complete the training program to be certified as a youth fellow, if they are unable to maintain the required training time frame, it will not be considered as a completion of their training. Participants have to attend at least 80% of total online classes to complete the course of ToT.
Reporting: The fellow will submit a report of their experience, learning, and achievement after every 3 weeks in a given format.
Collection of Certificate: Youth fellows, who will successfully complete the course have to collect the certificate within 01 month after the course completion.
Selection Process:
An open call will be announced and applicants can apply online. ICCCAD highly encourage applicants from diverse background that include women, individuals who identify as LGBTQ, individuals living in less privileged socio-economic backgrounds, people of color, indigenous people, people with disabilities, and other minority groups.
A selection committee will shortlist the suitable candidate. The selected candidates will be called for an interview, the selection committee will finalize the participants of ICCCAD fellow for this year.
Online Application for Youth Fellowship Program-2023
Interested individuals can apply for ICCCAD Youth Fellowship Program for the year 2023 within 20 June 2023, through online by clicking the application link .
Contact Us:
Please email if you have any questions or inquiries regarding ICCCAD Youth Fellowship Program.