Visiting Researcher
Dr. Manoj Misra is currently an assistant professor of sociology at Western Connecticut State University in the United States. An environmental sociologist by training, Dr. Misra earned a PhD from the University of Alberta, Canada. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Sustainable Development at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Republic of Korea. After the completion of his PhD, Dr. Misra was invited as a visiting research fellow at the Agrarian Alternatives cluster at Heidelberg University, Germany. His writings have won best graduate paper awards at the American Anthropological Association and the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development. He has published research articles in top-tier academic journals including in the Journal of Agrarian Change, Agriculture and Human Values, and Climate and Development. His research interests are agrarian change and food sovereignty, climate change adaptation, energy politics and environmental justice, and development dispossession in South Asia.