Home Programmes Gobeshona Gobeshona Young Research Program Launched at IUB

Gobeshona Young Research Program Launched at IUB

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(Originally published here)

The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) organized the launching ceremony of the Gobeshona Young Research Program (GYRP) on Monday, 11 May 2015 at IUB’s campus in Bashundhara, Dhaka. The USAID has awarded a grant for two years to the ICCCAD for the GYRP program.

The Gobeshona Young Research Program (GYRP) will aim to strengthen the quality of Bangladesh specific climate change research being produced by young researchers through mentoring researchers from the initial proposal and design phase of their research to the completion, publication and dissemination of their research outputs. The program seeks to support both Bangladeshi national researchers and American researchers under the age of 35.

Renowned climate change expert and Director, ICCCAD, Dr Saleemul Huq, delivered the introductory speech. Mr Paul Sabatine, Deputy Mission Director, USAID, Mr Rashed Chowdhury, Chairman, Board of Trustees, IUB and Prof M Omar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, IUB also spoke on the occasion.

A good number of researchers from different international and national institutions, different implementing partners of GYRP also participated in the launching ceremony. The program ended with an interactive open disscussion focusing on climate change and research in Bangladesh.

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