Home Programmes Urban Climate Change Programme Climate Induced Migration IBP

Climate Induced Migration IBP

Climate Induced Migration IBP

Project Title: Supporting host city local government plans for growth and increased migration, including plans for housing, education and health facilities

Funding Support by PROKAS-British Council

Objective:  The main objective of the project is to promote Mongla as a migrant-friendly town.  Through research-based knowledge, the project aims to provide quality education, health and housing facilities for migrants.

Description of Activities:

This study will focus on three major concept areas: education, housing, and health facilities. A literature review will identify existing climate change induced displacement and urban resilience knowledge and find gaps in existing knowledge. The project will map out stakeholders´ roles and responsibilities and their functions in different relevant sectors and the host community.

Understanding the current status of actions and policies related to disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and resilience through triangulation of qualitative information participatory rapid appraisal (PRA), key informant interviews (KII), and group discussions through SWOT analysis is important for Mongla in handling increased migration. Participatory Action Plan Development (PAPD) will ensure active participation of stakeholders in sharing problems and common actions to solve those problems collectively. A stakeholder workshop will be organized to validate the study findings. A three-day long training programme will be organized to enhance the capacity of urban stakeholders including urban planners, engineers, local government representatives, business leaders, urban practitioners and representatives, CBOs, and local communities.  Active participation of stakeholders and the host community will be ensured, including local level field research and a national level dissemination workshop.

Expected Outcome:

The outcomes of the study will feed the master plan of Mongla to make it a migrant-friendly city by focusing on quality education as well as better health and housing facilities. These will also inform the development of a long term action bankable project proposal for submission to an international donor.

Project duration of the study: May 2019 to September 2019.

Key Contact Person:
Sarder Shafiqul Alam
Coordinator, Urban Climate Change, ICCCAD, Dhaka
Email: ratan.badla1@gmail.comPhone: +8801711840441;  Skype id: Alam Sarder Shafiqul