Home Programmes Resilient Livelihood Panii Jibon Ensuring Livelihood Security for Climate Vulnerable Communities in Coastal Bangladesh

Ensuring Livelihood Security for Climate Vulnerable Communities in Coastal Bangladesh

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Impacts of climate change severely affect the livelihood security of the communities in the south-west coastal region of Bangladesh. An action research conducted in two selected villages of Khulna in 2018 shed light on specific local vulnerabilities to livelihood, its consequences on local communities and limitations of current coping strategies in the view of a changing climate. This policy brief provides recommendations for concrete actions towards building resilient livelihoods for climate vulnerable communities in coastal Bangladesh.

The Full Policy Brief Available Here [PDF]


The policy brief has been prepared under the Panii Jibon (Water is Life) project 2018-2020. This project is a HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation led initiative being implemented in collaboration with its local partners. The overall objective of Panii Jibon is to build resilience and reduce well-being loss of climate change affected disadvantaged communities, and particularly vulnerable women and youth, in the disaster-prone areas of South-West Bangladesh (Khulna and Bagerhat). To achieve the goal of the project, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) undertook an action research in collaboration with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in 2018 with funding support from the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF). This policy brief builds part of a policy brief series that synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on the basis of the action research.

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