Home Training/Workshop Inception Workshop: Supporting Implementation of Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

Inception Workshop: Supporting Implementation of Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

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Tuesday, 8th October, 2013
Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka 

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) with support from the Asian Development Bank organized a half day workshop to introduce the technical assistance and to capture stakeholder’s views and suggestions on the Technical Assessment implementation.

Md. Shafiqur Rahman Patwari, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests have kindly consented to be the Chief Guest in the program. M. Teresa Kho, country Director, Bangladesh Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank was the Special Guest. The workshop was chaired by Md. Nasiruddin, Joint Secretary (Development), Ministry of Environment and Forests.

The workshop was divided into two sessions. In the first inaugural session the guest were gave there speech and that end followed by the Tea break. In the Technical session six presentations was presented by different speakers. From the six presentations there was great discussion in after each presentation. The six presentations were about:

  1. Overview of ADB TA by Arif M. Faisal
  2. Plan for formulation of Climate by M. Eusuf
  3. Briefing on prioritized project concepts by  Arif M. Faisal
  4. Steps towards formulation of national climate change policy by A. Atiq Rahman
  5. Steps towards preparation of NAMA by Shahriar A. Chowdhury
  6. Plan for preparation of Climate guidelines negotiations by Abu Raihan M.K. Khalid

Ina. F Islam, Assistant Director, ICCCAD also Rigan Ali Khan participated in the workshop. Different things came out from the discussion. There was also many suggestions and inputs for the presenter who is working on in the project. 

Written by: Rigan Ali Khan, Intern, ICCCAD November Newsletter 2013
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