Home Announcement Call for Case Studies: Capturing local level evidence from vulnerable countries

Call for Case Studies: Capturing local level evidence from vulnerable countries

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Climate Change Loss and Damage

‘Call for Case Studies’: Capturing local level evidence from
vulnerable countries

1. Context

IIED in partnership with ICCCAD has initiated a project on climate change Loss and Damage (L&D). This initiative aims to support Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Development States (SIDS) and other actors from climate vulnerable developing countries to tackle the current policy bottlenecks on L&D by leveraging evidence to catalyse policy action, by shaping a new collective vision for action on L&D, and by mobilising a coalition of champions to represent the interests and priorities of LDCs, SIDs and affected communities on L&D around the COP negotiations. The initiative has the following objectives:

1) To convene deliberative dialogues in which representatives of LDCs, SIDS and southern climate activists can use to raise their voice on L&D and engage in debate with allies and other stakeholders who can influence formal decision-making processes.
2) To facilitate southern actors to generate cases studies and policy recommendations on L&D that can be fed into advocacy processes.
3) To provide evidence on L&D risks and solutions that LDCs, SIDS and other stakeholders can use to advocate on L&D in the run up to and during the COP.

Through these objectives the initiative aims to support LDCs, SIDS, climate activists, developed country governments and financial institutions to co-create a ‘Political Roadmap’ for action to avert, minimise and address L&D risks by 2030.

2. Call for Case Studies

As part of L&D initiative, IIED and ICCCAD are issuing this ‘call for case studies’ to gather local level evidence on climate change loss and damage from vulnerable countries. We encourage CSOs, local experts, university researchers and NGOs from vulnerable developing countries to share case studies based on primary data and local knowledge, reflecting a range of experience of the LDCs and SIDS and provide grounded evidence of the challenges, possible responses and appropriate sources of finance needed to address L&D.

The purpose of this work is to use an iterative, collaborative and bottomup approach for gathering evidence through case studies from countries and communities that are exposed to L&D, and to leverage this evidence to (i) influence policy discourse around L&D;
(ii) deepen the understanding of options for tackling L&D and (iii) to inform the thinking on how L&D support should be designed.
The case studies will be used to develop and publish a compendium of case studies that can feed in to the policy debates on L&D at COP 26.
The case studies might cover the following aspects of L&D:

1. Illustrate the L&D impacts of climate change related hazards such as droughts, floods, soil degradation, glacier melt, sea-level rise, salination, coastal erosion and biodiversity loss.
2. Explain the different L&D impacts these climate hazards are having on the lives, living conditions and livelihoods of the most vulnerable people (considering women and men, disabled people, children, young people, older people, marginalised and indigenous groups), and upon the ecosystems and infrastructure they depend on.
3. Highlight how L&D impacts compound or exacerbate other risks (poverty, health, marginalisation etc.).
4. Explain the impacts L&D is having at the level of community and society (such as access to basic services and institutions, population displacement or migration, loss of customs, places of rituals, cultural heritage).
5. Illustrate the coping and adaptation measures (including traditional) being employed by households and communities to address, minimise or avert L&D risks.
6. Explain the priorities for action on L&D at local level and national levels, sharing solutions, and providing recommendations.

3. Case Study submission timeline and process

The timeline and process for case study submission, development and final publication will be as

1. Issue of Call for Case studies from vulnerable country stakeholders – 24 June 2021
2. First Stage Submission: Interested applicants are requested to submit a 2-page abstract of
the case study by- 25 July 2021(Extended). The format for submission of abstract is provided at Annex-1.
3. Shortlisting of case studies abstracts covering a range of L&D impacts and vulnerabilities in different country context and intimation to shortlisted applicants by – 30 July 2021.
4. Virtual training sessions and handholding support by experts to the shortlisted applicants to help them develop and submit the detailed case study- by 30 August 2021
5. Publication of a compendium of at least 15 high quality case studies covering different types of L&D impacts and vulnerabilities – by 30 September 2021

4. How to submit Case Study Abstract

Interested applicants are requested to submit their case study abstract on or before 25 July, 2021(Extended) in the format provided in Annex-1 through email to : istiakh.ahmed@icccad.org, mentioning ‘L&D Case study Abstract Submission’ in the subject line.

Selected Abstracts will receive 500$ to further develop the case study document.


For further details on L&D project, please contact: Ritu Bharadwaj, Senior Researcher, Climate Change Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (ritu.bharadwaj@iied.org) For further enquiry on case study submission process and format, please contact: Istiakh Ahmed, Program Coordinator, Locally Led Adaptation & Resilience, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) (istiakh.ahmed@icccad.org)

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Format for submitting Case Study Abstract Loss and Damage (L&D) from Climate Change

Name of applicant:
Designation and organisation:
(in no more than 1nd half to two pages)
1. Region/ country covered under case study (also mention name of villages/ sub-national region covered):
Sub-national region/ villages (as applicable):

2. Briefly explain the losses and damage suffered from climatic impacts that could not be avoided through coping and adaptation? What are the type of L&D impacts being experienced in case study area, e.g. sea level rise, drought, erratic monsoon, increased frequency and intensity of cyclones, coastal erosion etc. (in 3-4 bullets or 4-5 lines)

3. Explain the impacts of these climate stressors on communities’ lives, living conditions, livelihoods and infrastructure and how these impacts exacerbating other risks (poverty, health, marginalisation etc.) (in 3-4 bullets or 4-5 lines)

4. Briefly explain the vulnerability is it creating at household (particularly in context of women, disabled, children, marginalised groups, indigenous groups etc.) and society level (access to basic services, institutions, displacement, loss of customs, places of rituals, cultural heritage) (in 2-3 bullets or 3-4 lines)

5. Briefly explain the existing coping and adaptation measures (including traditional) to deal with the climate impacts (in 3-4 bullets or 4-5 lines)

6. Briefly explain the kind of support (capacity, technology, policy and finance) needed to help cope, tide over or protect from these existing and anticipated climate losses and damages? (in 3-4 bullets or 4-5 lines)

7. Has the content of this case study been published anywhere else already, even if in a different format: If yes, please share a reference or link to the case study.

Submit the case study through email to : istiakh.ahmed@icccad.org, mentioning ‘L&D Case study Abstract Submission’ in the subject line

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