Home Daily Star Article Unusual rain: Climate change to blame

Unusual rain: Climate change to blame

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Is it raining too much this year?

Bangladesh’s Met office believes it is, and the pattern of this rainfall is something that has not been seen in the past decade.

Weather experts blame it on the global climate change.

According to data collected from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, there are chances that this year’s rainfall will be more than what was seen in the past 10 years.

“We are witnessing active monsoon throughout this year – a trend that has not been witnessed in the past decade,” said Shah Alam, director of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department.


This monsoon, there has already been 40 percent more rain than the average, he said.

Since 2005, the highest rainfall during the monsoon (June, July and August) was recorded in 2011, when Bangladesh experienced 66,762 milimetres (mm) of rain.

Records show, from 2010 until 2014, the country experienced around 44,000mm of rainfall during June, July and August.

This year, the Met office recorded 19,475mm of rain in June, 29,281mm in July and 15, 231mm in August – total 63, 987mm over the three months.

With an extended monsoon this year, Met office forecast more rain in September.

Yesterday, most of capital city went down under in 48mm of rain (recorded until evening) – wreaking havoc on the city life causing acute waterlogging and traffic gridlocks.

Chances are a bit brighter today for Dhaka as the deep convection over northern Bay of Bengal is likely to weaken and the sun might show its face near the end of the day.

The weather pattern is changing for sure, Shah Alam said. “It is related to global climate change. The weather is showing erratic patterns – very unpredictable.”

Experts fear the effect of climate change on Bangladesh’s weather patterns will be more unpredictable in the future.

Written by: Sujit Sarker

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