Climate Tribune | December 2020
List of Articles
- Climate finance in Bangladesh: A critical review by Sirazoom Munira, Saleemul Huq, and Mizan R Khan
- Enhanced direct access under the Green Climate Fund can be an effective vehicle for Locally-led adaptation by Mizan R Khan and Saleemul Huq
- Protecting people from losing their homes and assets due to climatic hazards should be a top priority for the government when it comes to financing climate action by Prodip Kumar Roy
- Importance of monitoring and evaluation in accessing climate finance by Istiak Ibne Rouf
- Unlocking the potential of microfinance for facilitating climate change adaptation at the local level by Tasfia Tasnim and Riadadh Hossain
- Financing climate change induced loss and damage in Bangladesh-The scope for public-private partnerships by Riadadh Hossain and Saleemul Huq
- Covid crisis echoes the need for improved access, mobilization and utilization of financial resources to tackle the climate crisis and biodiversity loss by Soburun Nessa Chowdhury and Farah Anzum
- The need to invest in small-scale climatic disturbances by Sakib Rahman Siddique Shuvo and Adiba Bintey Kamal
- Effective coastal embankment management needs collaborative actions from government, local people, and local leaders by Md Zahidul Islam
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