Home Digital Comics The adventure of River Gypsys

The adventure of River Gypsys

54 second read

Introducing “The Adventure of Comics Gypsys”, a new comic book that brings to life the resilient livelihood of the Manta community—known as the River Gypsies of Barishal.

This captivating story takes you on a journey through the lives, culture, and challenges of the Manta people. For generations, rivers have been their home and lifeline, providing them with food, and livelihoods. Yet this close bond with nature comes with its challenges as without land to call their own, they navigate through a life of uncertainty, facing constant environmental changes and social challenges.

Through compelling storytelling, the comic illustrates their unique connection to rivers and their adventurous spirit that flows like the tides they navigate. This comic was first launched at COP 29 and is now being published on the website for widespread access to a global audience. This comic is coordinated by Loss and Damage team at ICCCAD, funded by Bread for All-HEKS-EPER and supported by Christian Aid and IDRC.

Access the comic now and explore and learn more about the resilience and strength of Manta community.

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