Home Opportunities Call for Application – Grant for Masters in Climate Change

Call for Application – Grant for Masters in Climate Change

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Grant for Masters in Climate Change or Relevant Subject


With climate change impact accelerating, it has become evident that vulnerable communities and countries in the Global South are affected most. Every year, the most vulnerable communities and countries are exposed to severe losses and damages caused by the impacts of human-induced climate change. The impact and the resulting losses and damages are beyond the adaptive capacity of the developing countries. The problem is getting even more far-reaching and catastrophic, as effective provisions for managing the cost of increasing climate related disasters are lacking across the Global South. As climate change impact crosses the limit of adaptive capacity across the vulnerable region, this has exposed limits of current adaptation and resilience building paradigm of science and policy. There is now a need for a new paradigm of thinking and response to deal with the unavoidable losses and damages, building on and integrating adaptation and disaster risk reduction approaches.

There are several critical knowledge and capacity gaps that hamper productive and effective response to climate induced losses and damages. To address the knowledge and capacity gaps on L&D in most vulnerable countries in the Global South, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD) are jointly implementing the Project “Strengthening Loss and Damage response capacity in the Global South (STRENGTH)” in four T1 Countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Senegal and Vanuatu) with the support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The project has different components like research, capacity building and policy engagement. As part of the Capacity Building Initiative, the project team has initiated a grant opportunity for conducting Masters in Climate Change and Development or relevant subject with a focus on conducting a thesis in the field of loss and damage such as theoretical framing, ground-based evidence, operationalizing L&D Finance from the perspective of the most vulnerable population including women and other marginalized.


Objectives of the Grant

  • Support the development and implementation of a comprehensive Masters program in Climate Change and Development or relevant subject
  • Strengthen the knowledge and skills of students and professionals in the field of climate change focusing loss and damage
  • Foster research and innovation in climate change-induced loss and damage
  • Promote collaboration and networking among institutions, researchers, and practitioners working in the field of climate change


What we are offering:

  • Financial and technical support
  • Each selected candidate will get around 2000 GBP (including all additional charges like VAT, Bank Charge etc.) to conduct research/thesis. Total 3 grants will be provided
  • Additional mentoring from L&D experts (separate from their academic supervisors) in any stage of conducting research and writing report


  • Applicants should possess a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field such as environmental science, climate studies, sustainable development, geography, gender studies/social science or a related discipline
  • Enrollment in the Master’s Program is mandatory
  • Having a minimum CGPA of 3.30
  • Working experience on climate change issues or having a strong motivation to conduct research on environmental sustainability and climate change issues
  • Writing a thesis is mandatory
  • Must possess the good analytical skills
  • Must be a citizen from one of following countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Vanuatu and Senegal

Documents Required

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Academic transcripts or records to demonstrate their academic achievements
  • Research proposal (Theme: Loss and Damage)
  • Recommendation from academic advisors, professors, or employers who can attest to their capabilities, motivation, and potential to succeed in a master’s program.
  • Statement of purpose outlining their reasons for pursuing a master’s degree in climate change and development, their career goals, and how the program will contribute to their professional growth
  • Contact information for references who can verify their qualifications and suitability for the master’s program
  • Copy of Academic Transcript

How to apply:

Every applicant has to submit a research proposal (within 1500 Words), CV and recommendation letter to Nusrat Naushin, Programme Coordinator, ICCCAD, Email: nusrat.naushin@icccad.org.

All qualified applicants, including women, people with disabilities, and cultural minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.


The deadline for application is 15th October, 2023

Contact Us:

Please email nusrat.naushin@icccad.org  if you have any questions or inquiries regarding this process.

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