Home Announcement Catalytic Grant Programme -COP27

Catalytic Grant Programme -COP27

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Catalytic Grant Programme Towards Enhancing Locally-led Adaptation and Resilience Practices

The Catalytic Grant Programme was inaugurated at the Global Gobeshona Conference in 2021 to assist and create continuity between events such as Global Gobeshona Conference, Development Climate days, London climate action week, Community based adaptation (CBA)
Conference and Conference of Parties (COPs). These conference gatherings allow this community of practice to meet on a regular basis, form new connections, and collaborate on new ideas.

This initiative aims at awarding 4 winning teams to implement their ideas towards enhancing locally-led climate change adaptation practices and building resilience. This award intends to provide initial seed funding to incentivize partnerships and collaborations at present and in the future to further develop ideas.

Earlier the programme was a southern-based collaboration that enhanced locally-led adaptation and resilience to climate change in the Global South region. But this year the horizon of the programme is expanded to Asia Pacific and Latin America regions (along with South Asia and Africa).

This phase of the Catalytic Grant Programme is announced at COP27 at the Resilience Hub. Four teams will get a 5,000 USD grant each to implement a concept developed during COP27 at the Resilience Hub.

Objectives of this Grant-
● Incentives and opportunities for cross-disciplinary capacity development and idea
● Strengthening the global community of practice on locally-led adaptation and resilience;
● Strengthen southern leadership in the community of practice;
● Strengthen south-south and south-north knowledge exchange and collaboration, and
actions on adaptation and resilience.

Application process & timeline
● Call for application will open on 6th November 2022.
● The deadline for the application form is on 27th November 2022.
● The selection mail will be sent out to groups by 18 December 2022.
● The project proposals may follow the following themes- Locally led Adaptation (LLA),
Nature-based Solutions (NbS), Gender and Youth, Capacity Building, Loss and Damage,
and others relevant to climate change.

For clarification about the process, please contact Adiba Bintey Kamal, Project Focal, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
Email address: adiba.kamal@icccad.org

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