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Tania Ahmed

Visiting Researcher

Tania Ahmed

Tania Ahmed graduated from Wellesley College with a BA in Biological Sciences and minor in Environmental Studies in 2016. Her passion for climate change justice began with her time on the Green Team at Groundwork Somerville, a non-profit organization based in Somerville, MA, USA dedicated to training youth on sustainable agriculture and landscaping practices in the city. As a high school student, she learned about local and global food systems and the technical skills of growing and selling produce. Her senior year took her to Bangladesh on the State Department funded American Youth Leadership Program to learn about the effects of climate change in Bangladesh. There she interviewed locals about their drinking water practices to understand the effects of salinization on hypertension in pregnant women. Her undergraduate coursework grounded her knowledge in the science and policy of climate change. Since then, she has travelled, danced, and worked in India and Bangladesh. With her time at ICCCAD, she plans on researching the effects of loss and damage on land due to salinization, storms, and other climate change related impacts.