Capacity-building for Enhancing Resilience at the Local Level | Event Summary Report

This virtual roundtable discussion was organized as part of the Capacity-building Momentum to Recover Better event series under the PCCB Network. It aimed to shine a light on the enormous surge of support for activities underway across the globe that are moving the world toward a highly resilient, low-carbon future.

The event included discussions on:

  1. Providing an overview of the needs and gaps related to locally-led capacity-building initiatives, based on ICCCAD and Adaptation Fund experiences.
  2. Facilitating and building a discourse on potential approaches and actions needed to support locallyled capacity-building initiatives.
  3. Sharing of good practices, experiences and lessons learned.
  4. Identifying opportunities including financial support and partnership development to strengthen capacities of vulnerable actors to develop and implement local level adaptation and resilience strategies and the role of various stakeholders at local level.


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