Home Programmes Loss and Damage The Asia Pacific Forum on Loss and Damage

The Asia Pacific Forum on Loss and Damage

2 min read

Loss and damage encompasses a wide range of issues varying from the economic loss of crops due to variable rainfall patterns to the cultural losses that may occur from the relocation of communities due to permanent sea level rise or extreme weather events. While some of these impacts are avoidable, others are not and therefore efforts such as mitigation and adaptation should not be overlooked.

Given its scope, research on loss and damage has presented us with a greater number of challenges than solutions. Yet many of these challenges are similar across countries. Based on the conclusions from research conducted in the Loss and Damage in Vulnerable Countries Initiative by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), vulnerable countries not only face similar challenges for dealing with the adverse effects of climate change but are also in need of support to create comprehensive solutions.

As a country highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, research in Bangladesh has been flourishing and a number of different organizations have started to incorporate related to climate change losses and damages. Although the task of measuring is a particularly daunting one, it should neither be avoided in conversations. This was likely the realization that led to the Warsaw Mechanism. Until that point, even mentioning loss and damage was taboo due to the fear from developed countries this was a tactic to engage in conversations on compensation and liability. While neither are topic are beyond the realm of loss and damage, it is clear more research is needed before these items are analyzed and debated.

The AP Forum on Loss and Damage is a regional initiative by ICCCAD and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), made possible by the Asia Pacific Network. It aims to create a community of practice among researchers in the Asia Pacific on topics related to loss and damage. It will do so via an online platform that will be used to disseminate research and encourage discussion through a Questions & Answers Session. Supported by recent international developments, in particular the Warsaw Mechanism on loss and damage, it is expected that the forum will become an important resource for researchers to share experiences, best practices and respond to similar challenges faced. Further considering loss and damage is a relatively new field of research, any information on the topic is appreciated and will contribute to ongoing discussions.

If you have done research on loss and damage in the AP region and wish to share with us your research to be disseminated on the AP Forum on Loss and Damage, please send us a link to your research along with an abstract (max. 500 words) to lossanddamageforum@gmail.com.

AP Forum on L&D_Logo

By: Stephanie Andrei, Researcher, ICCCAD March Newsletter 2014
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