Home Dhaka Tribune Articles Climate Tribune Impact of Climate Change on Food

Impact of Climate Change on Food

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Climate Tribune | October 2021

Impact of Climate Change on Food

The editorial captures how climate change is putting food production at risk, and how disasters affect food security and the agriculture sector as a whole.

Articles in the series

  1. How fishery and climate change affect each other by Catherine Fogli
  2. How small cities coped with food insecurity during Covid lockdown by Sumaiya Sudha
  3. How to have climate resilient food security in the coastal area by M Manjurul Islam and Ashish Barua
  4. The dual impact of cyclones and Covid on food security in Bangladesh by Mahmuda Akter
  5. Climate vulnerable agricultural sectors by Sufiya Khatun
  6. Madagascar is on the verge of becoming the world’s first climate related famine by Maria Mehrin
  7. How people in Durgabati village are adapting after saline water left it barren by Hafizur Rahman, Lutfor Rahman, and Vaskar Mandol
  8. Climate change is an absolute threat for food security In Bangladesh by Most Mastura Munia Farjana
  9. A persistent yet rarely highlighted issue from southwestern coastal Bangladesh by Ashish Barua

Climate Tribune  | October 2021 | COVER PHOTO: PIXABAY


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