Home Dhaka Tribune Articles Climate Tribune Climate Tribune | September 2022

Climate Tribune | September 2022

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Climate Tribune | September 2022

Articles in the series

  1. Financing climate adaptation at the last mile’ by Abdullah Zahiruddin Ahmad
  2. Global goal on adaptation’s potential to incorporate local communities’ voices’ by Afsara Mirza and Md Bodrud-Doza Zion
  3. Evolution of LLA: How locally- led adaptation came into the climate change arena’ by Fatema Akhter, Dr. Saleemul Huq and Afsara Binte Mirza
  4. What does it mean when nature-based solutions and locally-led adaptation come together?’ by Dr. Haseeb Md Irfanullah
  5. Fulfilling the water demands of Juraichari: An LLA success story’ by Mahzabeen Mahfuz
  6. Climate Bridge Fund: A successful mechanism of applying locally-led adaptation principles in Bangladesh’ by Golam Rabbani and Anindita Hridita
  7. Challenges and potential solutions in implementing LLA at local level: The context of Bangladesh’ by Savio Rousseau Rozario
  8. Utilizing local communities’ traditional knowledge to stop maladaptation’ by Shamrita Zaman and Maliha Masfiqua Malek
Climate Tribune  | September 2022 | COVER PHOTO: UNSPLASH
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