Home Publications Policy Brief A Roadmap for Nature-based Solutions in Bangladesh: Promises and Challenges

A Roadmap for Nature-based Solutions in Bangladesh: Promises and Challenges

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Nature-based solutions (NbS) are receiving international attention for helping us to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, whilst protecting biodiversity and supporting sustainable development. As such, NbS provide a way to enable economic development without ecosystem loss or damage. Bangladesh has a long history of implementing NbS but has faced challenges due to lack of robust design, long-term finance flows, monitoring and evaluation, institutional structure, and evidence of effectiveness. Sound ecosystems stewardship can help Bangladesh develop, whilst also allowing for widespread implementation of NbS across the country. Thus, better evidence, governance, and coordination is needed for NbS to effectively support development goals and economic growth.

The Full Policy Brief Available Here [PDF]


This policy brief has been produced by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and the Nature-based Solutions Initiative (NBSI) at the University of Oxford as part of the “Capacity building for Nature-based Solutions to climate change adaptation” project funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund and the Waterloo Foundation.

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