Tag: Publications

  • Global recognition of the importance of nature-based solutions to the impacts of climate change

    Global recognition of the importance of nature-based solutions to the impacts of climate change

    According to the World Economic Forum (2020) Global Risks Report, failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change presents the greatest risk to the global economy in terms of severity of impact. Meanwhile, extreme weather – which is exacerbated by climate change (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016) – is listed as the risk…

  • Non-economic loss and damage: closing the knowledge gap

    Non-economic loss and damage: closing the knowledge gap

    Climate-related loss and damage is escalating, with many countries experiencing new forms of climate impact, of increasing intensity. The focus until now has been on calculating the economic repercussions of climate risk. Its wider impacts and resulting hidden costs of climate change — such as loss of cultural heritage — are less understood and harder…

  • A low-carbon and hunger-free future for Bangladesh: An exante assessment of synergies and trade-offs in different transition pathways

    A low-carbon and hunger-free future for Bangladesh: An exante assessment of synergies and trade-offs in different transition pathways

    Feeding and nourishing a growing global population in Bangladesh is a major challenge in a changing climate. A multi-level participatory scenario approach with corresponding modeling and decision support tools is developed and applied to support decision-makers in developing scenario-guided enabling policy for food security in the future under climate change. The results presented in this…

  • Does WASH Infrastructures conforms to Nature Based Solutions? An exploration of FSTP at Shakhipur

    The report highlights challenges and achievements, potential avenues to expand our existing Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) at Shakipur which was recognized by the Bangladesh Government in the 8th FYP. WaterAid undertook this study in collaboration with International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD). [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/NBS-Report_Shakhipur_0_compressed.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#3f9e0c” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]The Full Publication is available…

  • SALEEMUL HUQ: Climate revolutionary

    This climate researcher from Bangladesh helped to force wealthy countries to pay for the losses and damages from climate change. In the final hours before the close of last month’s United Nations climate conference in Egypt, exhausted delegates slumped on sofas outside the formal meeting rooms. But not Saleemul Huq, who was sitting upright, rapidly…

  • ALL ACT now! Progressing locally led action on loss and damage

    Countries and communities are exposed to increasingly harmful effects of climate change, leading to loss and damage. These concerns must be urgently addressed, especially in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). After decades of lobbying by LDCs, SIDS and others, the world has woken up to this situation, and negotiators at…

  • Managing Climate Change in Bangladesh: Foundations for Policymakers

    Training Manual: NAP and NDC Support Programme International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and AMBERO Consulting, Germany in collaboration with GIZ have developed a training manual on “Managing Climate Change in Bangladesh: Foundations for Policymakers” under the NAP NDC Support Programme commissioned by BMZ. A total of 12 training modules have been developed…

  • Water Security in Secondary Cities of Bangladesh: A case of Mongla

    The water crisis issue in informal settlements should be looked through a lens of System of Provision (SoP), which aims to ensure inclusive urban settlements and strengthen central water system for secondary cities like Mongla and promote social awareness.” [btn btnlink=”http://website.icccad.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/WaterSecurity_case_of_mongla_RAPID_27-November.pdf” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#3f9e0c” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″]Download and Read this Article[/btn] About the Authors: Khandker Tarin…

  • The good climate finance guide for investing in locally led adaptation

    Locally led adaptation (LLA) is an approach which seeks to ensure that local people have individual and collective agency over defining, prioritising, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating adaptation actions. LLA is grounded in the belief that people who are on the frontline of climate risks are best placed to respond to both current and future…

  • The CDL Field Guide To Obstruction of Loss and Damage Finance in the UNFCCC Negotiations

    The Climate and Development Lab at Brown University, USA, teamed up with the International Centre for Climate Change and Development in Bangladesh to develop a typology of 14 ways developed nations have resisted efforts by the developing world to create funding mechanisms under the UNFCCC to pay for losses and damages resulting from climate change.…

  • Local responses to climate-related non-economic losses and damages: a case study in Burigoalini and Gabura Union, Southwest Bangladesh

    People in Burigoalini and Gabura Unions frequently face climate-related hazards. Adequate adaptation measures to these hazards are often missing, causing losses and damages. This paper focuses on non-economic losses and damages: items that are not commonly traded in markets (such as the loss of biodiversity or cultural heritage). The non-economic losses and damages that people…

  • An overview of disaster risk reduction and anticipatory action in Bangladesh

    Climate change has and will continue to increase the intensity and frequency of extreme climate events. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change owing to its low elevation, dominance of floodplains, its high population density and its low economic, infrastructural and technological capacity. Despite the vulnerability, Bangladesh has managed to reduce…